Cookies are small files (chunk of information) which is created at client side by browser, as informed by server.
Cookies are used to store / remember user specific information. Mostly used for customization of web pages.
Each Cookie has a name and value (pair).
Two types of Cookies:
1) Permanent Cookie.
Cookies which has some expiry time and which is available even if you turn off your P.C
eg: setcookie( "uname",”admin”, time()+3600);
uname: Cookie name
admin: Cookie value
time()+3600: expiry time
2) Temporary Cookie.
As soon as you close your browser, Cookies are deleted.
eg: setcookie( "uname",”admin”);
if ( !(isset( $_COOKIE['color'] ) ) )
if(isset( $_POST['txt1']))
setcookie( "color", $_POST["txt1"], time()+60);
echo "<body bgcolor=". $_POST['txt1']. ">";
echo "<html><body><form name=frm method=post>Enter Color :<input type=text
name='txt1'><input type=submit value='Submit'></form> </body></html>";
echo "<body bgcolor=". $_COOKIE['color']. "> Welcome Back!";
Write MySQL Commands:
1) Create database to store payroll information.
mysql> Create Database Payroll;
2) Create table employee with suitable constraints.
mysql> Create table emp(
empno numeric(4) primary key,
ename varchar(20) not null,
sal float(6,2),
joining_date date,
deptno numeric(4) references dept(dno)
3) Take backup of employee table in text file.
mysql> select * INTO OUTFILE 'C:/data.txt' from user fields terminated by ‘,’ ;
4) Update joining_date column with current date.
mysql> Update emp
Set joining_date=now();
5) Create user mca and assign update rights to him for all tables in payroll database.
mysql> create User mca@’localhost’ identified by ‘nopass’;
mysql> grant update on payroll.* to mca@’localhost’;
6) List all employees whose salary is less than 10,000.
mysql>Select * from emp where sal<10000
Write Short note (PHP):
1) Associative Array:
An array is a collection of elements (key value pair) with same or different data types.
An array in which elements are indexed by String.
$color = array ( "sky" => "blue", "grass" => "green", "blood" => “red”);
// OR
$color[“blood”]=” red”;
foreach($color as $key => $value )
echo "$key has $value color <br>";
sky has blue color
grass has green color
blood has red color
sort() method is used to sort an array elements.
array_merge() method is used to join two or more array.
Write a PHP script using associative aray to display Menu Card of a restaurant serving Snacks,Punjabi and Continental Dishes.
<body >
<h3 align='center'>Menu Card</h3>
<table width=300 align=center border=5 cellspacing=0
"Snacks"=>array("Vadapav"=>10,"Pav bhaji"=>20,"Cut-Dosa"=>25),
"Punjabi"=>array("Paratha"=>35,"Lassi"=>20, Mix Veg"=>65),
"Continental Dishes"=>array("Veg Biryani"=>100,"Rice Plate"=>40,"Paner
Masala"=>65,"Official Lunch"=>50)
<tr ><td>Menu Name</td><td>Price(Rs)</td></tr>
foreach ( $menus as $menu )
foreach ( $menu as $name=>$price )
{ print "<tr ><td>$name:</td><td> $price </td>";
print "<tr bgcolor=#fffacd><td>$name:</td><td> $price</td>";
Object Oriented PHP:
PHP supports many useful features of OOP.
A class is a template that can be used for creating objects.
An object is an instance of a class. class may have many instance.
The data i.e variables present in an object are called its properties.
The functions
i.e methods present in an object
are called its methods.
A class is a collection of variables and functions operating on these variables.
In PHP, class is defined using the following syntax
class classname
$variable = value;
function functionname (arguments)
// statements
class Movie
var $name;
function get_name ( )
return $this->name;
function set_name ($some_name)
$this->name = $some_name;
We should use the $this to retrieve the properties of the current object as well as to call other functions.
How to create Object in PHP:
$variable = new Classname(args);
$mov = new Movie('Fastest 5');
Write a PHP script to Create Account class having Deposit and Withdraw method:
class Account
static $accno;
function __Construct($name,$bal) //constructor
function deposit($amt)
echo "<br>Balance Updated(+)<br>";
function withdraw($amt)
if ( $this->bal-$amt>500)
echo "<br>Balance Updated(-)<br>";
echo "<br>Insufficient Balance<br>";
function getinfo()
echo "<br>Ac. No = ". self::$accno." Name = ".$this->name." your Balance= ". $this->bal;
$obj1=new Account("hemant",12000);
$obj2=new Account("anagha",10000);
Create Animal class with eat (), grow () as
methods. Create Birds, Reptiles as subclass of Animal.
Birds with fly () as method.
Reptiles with crawl () method
class Animal
function Animal($group)
function getinfo()
echo "<br>Animal Group=".$this->group;
function eat($e)
function grow($g)
class Birds extends Animal
function Birds($group,$name,$g,$e)
function getinfo()
echo "<br>Bird Name=".$this->name;
echo "<br>Bird eat=".$this->e;
echo "<br>Bird grow=".$this->g;
function fly()
echo "<br>I am flying<br>";
class Reptiles extends Animal
function Reptiles($group,$name,$g,$e)
function getinfo()
echo "<br>Reptile Name=".$this->name;
function crawl()
echo "<br>I am Crawling<br>";
$obj1=new Birds(" Wild ","eagle","grain","s");
$obj2=new Reptiles("Wild","Snake","rat","f");